Getting started
What to Expect during your first appointment
For your first appointment, please bring a photo ID. A support person is welcome for ultrasounds, but not required. We love dads!
A few things to know:
- All services are free and we won't notify your insurance of your care.
- Your services received and what you share are confidential.
- A licensed RN will provide your care. Our medical director is a licensed OB/GYN.
- We provide a safe, non-judgmental environment for you to process your pregnancy options and answer your questions.
- Expect your first pregnancy test appointment to take 1-2 hours, depending on the service.
Bringing You Hopeful Options.
We are here to help. You can reach us by text, call, or in-person at our facilities. Your anonymity is always protected.
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Need Answers Now?
Our nurses are available to text 24/7 | (843) 892-6193